gladevcp - Virtual Control Panel for LinuxCNC based on Glade, Gtk and HAL widgets


gladevcp [-g WxH+X+Y] [-c component-name] [-u handler] [-U useroption] [-H halfile] [-d] myfile.ui


-g WxH+X+Y

This sets the initial geometry of the root window. Use ’WxH’ for just size, ’+X+Y’ for just position, or ’WxH+X+Y’ for both. Size / position use pixel units. Position is referenced from top left.

-c component-name

Use component-name as the HAL component name. If the component name is not specified, the basename of the ui file is used.

-u handler

Instructs gladevcp to inspect the Python script handler for event handlers, and connect them to signals in the ui file.

-U useroption

gladevcp collects all useroption strings and passes them to the handler init() method as a list of strings without further inspection.

-x XID

Reparent gladevcp into an existing window XID instead of creating a new top level window.

-H halfile

gladevcp runs halfile - a list of HAL commands - by executing halcmd -c halfile after the HAL component is finalized.


enable debug output.

-R gtkrcfile

explicitly load a gtkrc file.


set gtk theme. Default is system theme. Different panels can have different themes.


force panel window to maxumize. Together with the -g geometry option one can move the panel to a second monitor and force it to use all of the screen


explicitly deactivate workaround for a gtk bug which makes matches of widget and widget_class matches in gtk theme and gtkrc files fail. Normally not needed.


GladeVCP in the LinuxCNC documentation for a description of gladevcp’s capabilities and the associated HAL widget set, along with examples