time − Time on in Hours, Minutes, Seconds
loadrt time [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] |
When the time.N.start bit goes true the cycle timer resets and starts to time until time.N.start goes false. If you connect time.N.start to halui.is-running as a cycle timer it will reset during a pause. See the example connections below to keep the timer timing during a pause.
Time returns the hours, minutes, and seconds that time.N.start is true.
Sample pyVCP code to display the hours:minutes:seconds.
<text>"Cycle Time"</text>
</hbox> </pyvcp>
In your post-gui.hal file you might use the following to connect it up
loadrt time
loadrt not
addf time.0 servo-thread
addf not.0 servo-thread
net prog-running not.0.in <= halui.program.is-idle
net cycle-timer time.0.start <= not.0.out
net cycle-seconds pyvcp.time-seconds <= time.0.seconds
net cycle-minutes pyvcp.time-minutes <= time.0.minutes
net cycle-hours pyvcp.time-hours <= time.0.hours
time.N (requires a floating-point thread)
time.N.start bit in
Timer On
time.N.seconds u32 out
time.N.minutes u32 out
time.N.hours u32 out
John Thornton