hm2_allocate_bspi_tram − Allocate the TRAM regions for a BSPI channel
hm2_allocate_bspi_tram(char* name) |
hm2_allocate_bspi_tram Allocate the TRAM memory for bspi instance "name". "name" is a unique string given to each bspi channel during hostmot2 setup. The names of the available channels are printed to standard output during the driver loading process and take the form: hm2_<board name>.<board index>.bspi.<index> For example hm2_5i23.0.bspi.0
This function allocates the TRAM memory and sets up the regular data transfers. It should be called only when all the frames have been defined by calls to hm2_tram_add_bspi_frame().
Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
man hm2_bspi_setup_chan, man hm2_bspi_write_chan, man hm2_tram_add_bspi_frame man hm2_allocate_bspi_tram. See src/hal/drivers mesa_7i65.comp for an example usage.