oneshot - one-shot pulse generator
loadrt oneshot [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] |
creates a variable-length output pulse when the input changes state. This function needs to run in a thread which supports floating point (typically the servo thread). This means that the pulse length has to be a multiple of that thread period, typically 1mS. For a similar function that can run in the base thread, and which offers higher resolution, see "edge".
oneshot.N (requires a floating-point thread)
Produce output pulses from input edges bit in
Trigger input
oneshot.N.reset bit in
oneshot.N.out bit out
Active high pulse
oneshot.N.out-not bit out
Active low pulse
oneshot.N.width float in (default: 0)
Pulse width in seconds
oneshot.N.time-left float out
Time left in current output pulse
oneshot.N.retriggerable bit rw (default: TRUE)
Allow additional edges to extend pulse
oneshot.N.rising bit rw (default: TRUE)
Trigger on rising edge
oneshot.N.falling bit rw (default: FALSE)
Trigger on falling edge
John Kasunich