Input/Output Signals


xhc-whb04b-6 - Non-realtime jog dial HAL component for the wireless XHC WHB04B-6 USB device.


xhc-whb04b-6 [-h] | [-H] [OPTIONS]


The xhc-whb04b-6 HAL component supports the XHC WHB04B-6, a 6-axis wireless USB pendant. It provides a number of push-buttons, a jogwheel, two rotary buttons for axis and speed / step selection and an ordinary LCD display.

The LCD display, having a very simple firmware interface, indicates the following listed information only. No other information, such as custom data, can be printed.

• Activated axis (X, Y, Z, A, B or C)

• Current axis position of X, Y, Z and separately of A, B, C.

• Whether machine (X, Y, Z, A, B or C) or relative (X1, Y1, Z1, A1, B1 or C1) coordinates are displayed.

• Step size or velocity depending on the operating mode (MPG or Step or Continuous).

• Feedrate override

• Spindle Feedrate override

• Machine state such as reset.

• Battery level

• Wireless signal strength

The pendant display, its rotary selector switch, and the component pin names use designators x, y, z, a, b and c. While this arrangement presumes a machine configured as X, Y, Z, A, B an C, the pins can be assigned independently as required in a HAL configuration.


-h, --help Prints the synopsis and the most commonly used commands.

-H Run xhc-whb04b-6 in HAL-mode instead of interactive mode. When in HAL mode commands from device will be exposed to HAL’s shred memory. Interactive mode is useful for testing device connectivity and debugging.

-s Lead + jogwheel changes the spindle override speed. Each tick will increase/decrease the spindle override.

-f MPG + jogwheel changes the feed override. Each tick will increment/decrement the feed override.

-B Add 5 mm and 10 mm to Step feedrate output

-t Wait with timeout for USB device then proceed, exit otherwise. Without -t the timeout is implicitly infinite.

-u, -U Show received data from device. With -U received and transmitted data will be printed. Output is prefixed with "usb".

-p Show HAL pins and HAL related messages. Output is prefixed with "hal".

-e Show captured events such as button pressed/released, jog dial, axis rotary button, and feed rotary button event. Output is prefixed with "event".

-a Enable all logging facilities without explicitly specifying each.

-c Enable checksum output which is necessary for debugging the checksum generator function. Do not rely on this feature since it will be removed once the generator is implemented.

-n Force being silent and not printing any output except of errors. This will also inhibit messages prefixed with "init".


The xhc-whb04b-6 executable needs permission for reading the pendant’s USB device. There may be the need for additional udev rules. If so, this file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-xhc-whb04b-6.rules should be created with the single line ATTR{idProduct}=="eb93", ATTR{idVendor}=="10ce", MODE="0666", OWNER="root", GROUP="plugdev".


The xhc-whb04b-6 program can be run from the command line without LinuxCNC to test a pendant. This standalone mode is used to identify the button codes produced for each button press and debug transmitted USB data.


xhc-whb04b-6 -ue

Start in simulation mode and prints incoming USB data transfer and generated key pressed/released events.

xhc-whb04b-6 -p

Start in simulation mode and prints HAL pin names and events distributed to HAL memory.

xhc-whb04b-6 -H

Start in HAL mode (Normal mode for real machine use).

xhc-whb04b-6 -HsfB

Start in HAL mode + Spindle Override + Feedrate Override + Big step 5/10 mm).


Use the -H option to specify HAL mode and other options as required: loadusr -W xhc-whb04b-6 -HsfB

Input/Output Signals

Note: For each button an output pin is provided even if no functionality is realized with that signal. For example, to stop a running program the Stop button pin may be directly connected to halui.program.stop. However, to start/pause/resume a program, the corresponding button toggles besides whb.button.start-pause also the ’’whb.halui.program.’’{run,pause,resume} signals accordingly.

Note: The Spindle+/Spindle- buttons do manipulate the spindle override. The spindle speed is set with the respective combos Fn + Spindle- and FN + Spindle+.

The following tables list all in-/output pins and state which signals they are meant to be connected to.

Axis and Stepgen

Signals utilized for moving axis.

<N> ... denotes the axis number, which is of {x, y, z, a, b, c}.

whb.halui.home-all (bit,out)

connect to halui.home-all, driven by M-Home. Pin for requesting all axis to home. See also whb.button.m-home.

whb.halui.axis._<N>_.select (bit,out)

connect to halui.axis._<N>_.select. Pin to select axis.

whb.axis._<N>_.jog-counts (s32,out)

connect to axis._<N>_.jog-counts. The count pin of the jogwheel.

whb.axis._<N>_.jog-enable (bit,out)

connect to axis._<N>_.jog-enable. If true (and in manual mode), any change to "jog-counts" will result in motion. If false, "jog-counts" is ignored.

whb.axis._<N>_.jog-scale (float,out)

connect to axis.’__<N>__.jog-scale’. The distance to move for each count on "jog-counts", in machine units.

whb.axis._<N>_.jog-vel-mode (bit,out)

connect to axis.’__<N>__.jog-jog-vel-mode’. If false the jogwheel operates in position mode. The axis will move exactly jog-scale units for each count, regardless of how long that might take. If true, the jogwheel operates in velocity mode - motion stops when the wheel stops, even if that means the commanded motion is not completed.

whb.halui.max-velocity.value (float,in)

connect to halui.max-velocity.value. The maximum allowable velocity, in units per second (<N> is two digit 0-padded).

whb.halui.feed-override.scale (float,in)

connect to halui.feed-override.scale. The scaling for feed override value.

whb.halui.axis.’__<N>__.pos-feedback’ (float,in)

connect to halui.axis.’__<N>__.pos-feedback’. Feedback axis position in machine coordinates to be displayed.

whb.halui.axis._<N>_.pos-relative (float,in)

connect to halui.axis.’__<N>__.pos-relative’. Commanded axis position in relative coordinates to be displayed.


Signals utilized for toggling machine status.

whb.halui.machine.on (bit,out)

connect to halui.machine.on. Pin for requesting machine on.

whb.halui.machine.is-on (bit,in)

connect to halui.machine.is-on. Pin that indicates machine is on.

whb.halui.machine.off (bit,out)

connect to halui.machine.off. Pin for requesting machine off.


Signals utilized for operating a spindle.

whb.halui.spindle.start (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.start. Pin to start the spindle.

whb.halui.spindle.is-on (bit,in)

connect to halui.spindle.0.on. Pin to indicate spindle is on (either direction).

whb.halui.spindle.stop (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.stop. Pin to stop the spindle.

whb.halui.spindle.forward (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.forward. Pin to make the spindle go forward.

whb.halui.spindle.reverse (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.reverse. Pin to make the spindle go reverse.

whb.halui.spindle.decrease (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.decrease. Pin to decrease the spindle speed.

whb.halui.spindle.increase (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.increase. Pin to increase the spindle speed.

whb.halui.spindle-override.increase (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.override.increase. Pin for increasing the spindle override by the amount of scale.

whb.halui.spindle-override.decrease (bit,out)

connect to halui.spindle.0.override.decrease. Pin for decreasing the spindle override by the amount of scale.

whb.halui.spindle-override.value (float,in)

connect to halui.spindle.0.override.value. The current spindle override value.

whb.halui.spindle-override.scale (float,in)

connect to halui.spindle.0.override.scale. The current spindle scaling override value.


Signals utilized for operating spindle and feed override. The feed rotary button can serve in

• Continuous move x% from max velocity

• Step move x mm

• MPG override feed/spindle

• The special position Lead.

Continuous: In this mode jogging is performed at the selected feed rate. As long the jogwheel turns, the selected axis moves.

Step: In this mode the machine moves steps * wheel_counts at the currently selected step size and the current set feed rate in machine units. If the commanded position is not reached the machine keeps moving even the jogwheel is not turning.

Lead: Manipulates the spindle override.

MPG: Manipulates the feedrate override.

Note: As a consequence of 3 modes from manufacturer, switching the feed rotary button back from Lead revert to MPG mode, MPG mode is default mode at startup. Depending on the mode before turning the rotary button, the feed override results in different values. In MPG/CON the feed rate will change to 100%, 60%, ... and so forth. In Step mode the feed rate is specified in mm.

whb.halui.feed-override.value (float,in)

connect to halui.feed-override.value. The current feed override value.

whb.halui.feed-override.decrease (bit,out)

connect to halui.feed-override.decrease. Pin for decreasing the feed override by amount of scale.

whb.halui.feed-override.increase (bit,out)

connect to halui.feed-override.increase. Pin for increasing the feed override by amount of scale.

whb.halui.feed-override.scale (float,out)

connect to halui.feed-override.scale. Pin for setting the scale on changing the feed override.

whb.halui.max-velocity.value (float,out)

connect to halui.max-velocity.value.


Signals for operating program and MDI mode.

whb.halui.program.run (bit,out)

connect to halui.program.run in for running a program.

whb.halui.program.is-running (bit,in)

connect to halui.program.is-running in indicating a program is running.

whb.halui.program.pause (bit,out)

connect to halui.program.pause. Pin for pausing a program.

whb.halui.program.is-paused (bit,in)

connect to halui.program.is-paused. Pin indicating a program is pausing.

whb.halui.program.resume (bit,out)

connect to halui.program.resume. Pin for resuming a program.

whb.halui.program.stop (bit,out)

connect to program.stop. Pin for stopping a program.

whb.halui.program.is-idle (bit,in)

connect to halui.program.is-idle. Pin indicating no program is running.

whb.halui.mode.auto (bit,out)

connect to halui.mode.auto. Pin for requesting auto mode.

whb.halui.mode.is-auto (bit,in)

connect to halui.mode.is-auto. Pin for indicating auto mode is on.

whb.halui.mode.joint (bit,out)

connect to halui.mode.joint Pin for requesting joint by joint mode.

whb.halui.mode.is-joint (bit,in)

connect to halui.mode.is-joint. Pin indicating joint by joint mode is on.

whb.halui.mode.manual (bit,out)

connect to halui.mode.manual. Pin for requesting manual mode.

whb.halui.mode.is-manual (bit,in)

connect to halui.mode.is-manual. Pin indicating manual mode is on.

whb.halui.mode.mdi (bit,out)

connect to halui.mode.mdi. Pin for requesting MDI mode.

whb.halui.mode.is-mdi (bit,in)

connect to halui.mode.is-mdi. Pin indicating MDI mode is on.

whb.halui.mode.teleop (bit,out)

connect to halui.mode.teleop. Pin for requesting axis by axis mode.

whb.halui.mode.is-teleop (bit,in)

connect to halui.mode.is-teleop. Pin indicating axis by axis mode is on.


For flexibility reasons each button provides an output pin even if no functionality is realized directly with that signal. The Fn button can be combined with each other push-button. This includes also RESET, Stop, Start/Pause, Macro-10, and Step|Continuous. By default the more frequent used orange buttons are executed, whereas blue ones (whb.button.macro-<M>) by combining them with Fn (press Fn first then button).

Button macro needs to be added to your INI and needs to be edited for your own use:

MDI_COMMAND=(debug,macro0) # this one is for numbering but not used by pendant (need 1 to 16)

<M> ... denotes an arbitrary macro number which is of {1, 2, ..., 16}

whb.button.reset (bit,out)

see whb.halui.estop.{activate, reset} True one Reset button down, false otherwise. For toggling E-stop use whb.halui.estop .active and .reset.

whb.button.stop (bit,out)

see whb.halui.program.stop. True on Stop button down, false otherwise. For stopping a program use whb.halui.program.stop.

whb.button.start-pause (bit,out)

see whb.halui.program.{run, pause, resume}. True on Start-Pause button down, false otherwise. For toggling start-pause use ’whb.halui.program.run, .pause, and .resume.

whb.button.feed-plus (bit,out)

True on Feed+ button down, false otherwise.

whb.button.feed-minus (bit,out)

True on Feed- button down, false otherwise.

whb.button.spindle-plus (bit,out)

see halui.spindle.0.override.increase. True on Spindle+ button down, false otherwise. This button is meant to manipulate the spindle override. For increasing the spindle override use halui.spindle.0.override.increase.

whb.button.spindle-minus (bit,out)

see halui.spindle.0.override.decrease. True on Spindle- button down, false otherwise. This button is meant to manipulate the spindle override. For decreasing the spindle override use halui.spindle.0.override.decrease.

whb.button.m-home (bit,out)

connect to halui.home-all. True on M-Home button down, false otherwise. Requests MDI mode before button pin is set. See also whb.halui.mode.mdi.

whb.button.safe-z (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-’__<M>__ True on Safe-Z button down, false otherwise. Requests MDI mode before button pin is set. See also ’whb.halui.mode.mdi.

whb.button.w-home (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-’__<M>__ True on W-Home button down, false otherwise. Requests MDI mode before button pin is set. See also ’whb.halui.mode.mdi.

whb.button.s-on-off (bit,out)

see ’’whb.halui.spindle.’’{’’start’’, ’’stop’’} True on S-ON/OFF button down, false otherwise. For toggling spindle on-off use halui.spindle.0.start. For toggling spindle on-off use halui.spindle.0.stop.

whb.button.fn (bit,out)

True on Fn button down, false otherwise.

whb.button.probe-z (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-’__<M>__ True on Probe-Z button down, false otherwise. Requests MDI mode before button pin is set. See also ’whb.halui.mode.mdi.

whb.button.macro-1 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-1 button (Fn + Feed+) down, false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-2 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-2 button (Fn + Feed-) down, false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-3 (bit,out)

see whb.halui.spindle.increase True on Macro-3 button (Fn + Spindle+) down, false otherwise. This button is meant to manipulate the spindle speed. For decreasing the spindle speed use whb.halui.spindle.increase.

whb.button.macro-4 (bit,out)

see whb.halui.spindle.decrease True on Macro-4 button down (Fn + Spindle-), false otherwise. This button is meant to manipulate the spindle speed. For decreasing the spindle speed use whb.halui.spindle.decrease.

whb.button.macro-5 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-5 button down (Fn + M-HOME), false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-6 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-6 button down (Fn + Safe-Z), false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-7 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-7 button down (Fn + W-HOME), false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-8 (bit,out)

reserved for Spindle Direction True on Macro-8 button down (Fn + S-ON/OFF), false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-9 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-9 button down (Fn + Probe-Z), false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-10 (bit,out)

reserved for toggle DRO Abs/rel. True on Macro-10 button down, false otherwise. Switches the display coordinates to relative coordinates. On display the axis are denoted then as X1, Y1, Z1, A1, B1 and C1. See also whb.halui.axis.’__<N>__.pos-relative’.

whb.button.macro-11 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-11 button down (Fn + RESET), false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-12 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-12 button (Fn + Stop) down, false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-13 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-13 button (Fn + Start/Pause) down, false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-14 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-14 button (Fn + Macro-10) down, false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-15 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-15 button down (Fn + MPG), false otherwise.

whb.button.macro-16 (bit,out)

connect to halui.mdi-command-<M> True on Macro-16 button (Fn + Step) down, false otherwise.

whb.button.mode-continuous (bit,out)

True on Continuous mode button down, false otherwise.

whb.button.mode-step (bit,out)

True on Step mode button down, false otherwise.


whb.pendant.is-sleeping (bit,out)

True as long pendant is in sleep mode (usually a few seconds after turned off), false otherwise.

whb.pendant.is-connected (bit,out)

True as long pendant is not in sleep mode (turned on), false otherwise.


Exercise caution if using copy and paste of this example code from the online web docs. Certain characters are incompatibly encoded by the web site (minus becomes em-dash). It is safer to copy and paste from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/2.9/src/hal/user_comps/xhc-whb04b-6/example-configuration.md.

### Hal File xhc_whb04b_6.hal Example
# ######################################################################
# load pendant components
# ######################################################################

loadusr -W xhc-whb04b-6 -HsfB

# ######################################################################
# pendant signal configuration
# ######################################################################

# On/Off signals
net machine.is-on halui.machine.is-on whb.halui.machine.is-on
net pdnt.machine.on whb.halui.machine.on halui.machine.on
net pdnt.machine.off whb.halui.machine.off halui.machine.off

# program related signals
net pdnt.program.is-idle whb.halui.program.is-idle halui.program.is-idle
net pdnt.program.is-paused whb.halui.program.is-paused halui.program.is-paused
net pdnt.program-is-running whb.halui.program.is-running halui.program.is-running
net pdnt.program.resume whb.halui.program.resume halui.program.resume
net pdnt.program.pause whb.halui.program.pause halui.program.pause
net pdnt.program.run whb.halui.program.run halui.program.run
net pdnt.program.stop whb.halui.program.stop halui.program.stop

# machine mode related signals
net pdnt.mode.auto whb.halui.mode.auto halui.mode.auto
net pdnt.mode.manual whb.halui.mode.manual halui.mode.manual
net pdnt.mode.mdi whb.halui.mode.mdi halui.mode.mdi
net pdnt.mode.joint whb.halui.mode.joint halui.mode.joint
net pdnt.mode.teleop whb.halui.mode.teleop halui.mode.teleop
net pdnt.mode.is-auto halui.mode.is-auto whb.halui.mode.is-auto
net pdnt.mode.is-manual halui.mode.is-manual whb.halui.mode.is-manual
net pdnt.mode.is-mdi halui.mode.is-mdi whb.halui.mode.is-mdi
net pdnt.mode.is-joint halui.mode.is-joint whb.halui.mode.is-joint
net pdnt.mode.is-teleop halui.mode.is-teleop whb.halui.mode.is-teleop

# "is-homed" axis signal for allowing pendant when machine is not homed
net pdnt.axis.X.is-homed halui.joint.0.is-homed whb.halui.joint.x.is-homed
net pdnt.axis.Y.is-homed halui.joint.1.is-homed whb.halui.joint.y.is-homed
net pdnt.axis.Z.is-homed halui.joint.2.is-homed whb.halui.joint.z.is-homed

# "selected axis" signals
net pdnt.axis.X.select whb.halui.axis.x.select halui.axis.x.select
net pdnt.axis.y.select whb.halui.axis.y.select halui.axis.y.select
net pdnt.axis.Z.select whb.halui.axis.z.select halui.axis.z.select

net pdnt.axis.x.jog-scale whb.axis.x.jog-scale axis.x.jog-scale
net pdnt.axis.y.jog-scale whb.axis.y.jog-scale axis.y.jog-scale
net pdnt.axis.z.jog-scale whb.axis.z.jog-scale axis.z.jog-scale

net pdnt.axis.x.jog-counts whb.axis.x.jog-counts axis.x.jog-counts
net pdnt.axis.y.jog-counts whb.axis.y.jog-counts axis.y.jog-counts
net pdnt.axis.z.jog-counts whb.axis.z.jog-counts axis.z.jog-counts

net pdnt.axis.x.jog-enable whb.axis.x.jog-enable axis.x.jog-enable
net pdnt.axis.y.jog-enable whb.axis.y.jog-enable axis.y.jog-enable
net pdnt.axis.z.jog-enable whb.axis.z.jog-enable axis.z.jog-enable

net pdnt.axis.x.jog-vel-mode whb.axis.x.jog-vel-mode axis.x.jog-vel-mode
net pdnt.axis.y.jog-vel-mode whb.axis.y.jog-vel-mode axis.y.jog-vel-mode
net pdnt.axis.z.jog-vel-mode whb.axis.z.jog-vel-mode axis.z.jog-vel-mode

# macro buttons to MDI commands
net pdnt.macro-1 whb.button.macro-1 halui.mdi-command-01 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.macro-2 whb.button.macro-2 halui.mdi-command-02 # use MDI command from main.ini or used for Hardcoded lube on/off
net pdnt.reserved.for.spindle+ whb.button.macro-3 # Hardcoded for spindle+ whb.halui.spindle.increase
net pdnt.reserved.for.spindle- whb.button.macro-4 # Hardcoded for spindle- whb.halui.spindle.decrease
net pdnt.macro-5 whb.button.macro-5 halui.mdi-command-05 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.macro-6 whb.button.macro-6 halui.mdi-command-06 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.macro-7 whb.button.macro-7 halui.mdi-command-07 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.reserved.for.spindle.dir whb.button.macro-8 # Hardcoded for spindle direction inside pendant
net pdnt.macro-9 whb.button.macro-9 halui.mdi-command-09 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.reserved.for.ABS-REL whb.button.macro-10 # Hardcoded for swap Dro Relative/Absolute
net pdnt.macro-14 whb.button.macro-14 halui.mdi-command-14 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.reserved.for.flood whb.button.macro-15 # Hardcoded for halui.flood on/off
net pdnt.reserved.for.mist whb.button.macro-16 # Hardcoded for halui.mist on/off

net pdnt.macro.11 whb.button.macro-11 halui.mdi-command-11 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.macro.12 whb.button.macro-12 halui.mdi-command-12 # use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.macro.13 whb.button.macro-13 halui.mdi-command-13 # use MDI command from main.ini

# flood and mist toggle signals
net pdnt.flood.is-on whb.halui.flood.is-on halui.flood.is-on #return signal is on or off
net pdnt.flood.off whb.halui.flood.off halui.flood.off #reserved whb.button.macro-15
net pdnt.flood.on whb.halui.flood.on halui.flood.on #reserved whb.button.macro-15

net pdnt.mist.is-on whb.halui.mist.is-on halui.mist.is-on #return signal is on or off
net pdnt.mist.off whb.halui.mist.off halui.mist.off #reserved whb.button.macro-16
net pdnt.mist.on whb.halui.mist.on halui.mist.on #reserved whb.button.macro-16

#net pdnt.lube.is-on whb.halui.lube.is-on halui.lube.is-on #return signal is on or off
#net pdnt.lube.off whb.halui.lube.off halui.lube.off #reserved whb.button.macro-2
#net pdnt.lube.on whb.halui.lube.on halui.lube.on #reserved whb.button.macro-2

# default function button signals
net pdnt.button.m-home whb.button.m-home halui.home-all # Homeing use built-in halui home all
net pdnt.button.safe-z whb.button.safe-z halui.mdi-command-03 # Safe-z use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.button.w-home whb.button.w-home halui.mdi-command-04 # Unpark use MDI command from main.ini
net pdnt.button.probe-z whb.button.probe-z halui.mdi-command-08 # Probe-Z use MDI command from main.ini

# unused, just exposes pendant internal status or as basic button
#net pdnt.mode-lead whb.halui.feed.selected-lead
#net pdnt.mode-mpg-feed whb.halui.feed.selected-mpg-feed
#net pdnt.mode-continuous whb.halui.feed.selected-continuous
#net pdnt.mode-step whb.halui.feed.selected-step

#net pdnt.button.mode-mpg whb.button.mode-continuous
#net pdnt.button.mode-step whb.button.mode-step
#net pdnt.button.fn whb.button.fn
#net pdnt.button.reset whb.button.reset
#net pdnt.button.stop whb.button.stop
#net pdnt.button.start-pause whb.button.start-pause
#net pdnt.button.s-on-off whb.button.s-on-off
#net pdnt.button.spindle-plus whb.button.spindle-plus
#net pdnt.button.spindle-minus whb.button.spindle-minus
#net pdnt.button.feed-plus whb.button.feed-plus
#net pdnt.button.feed-minus whb.button.feed-minus

# spindle related signals
net pdnt.spindle.is-on whb.halui.spindle.is-on spindle.0.on
net pdnt.spindle.start whb.halui.spindle.start halui.spindle.0.start
net pdnt.spindle.stop whb.halui.spindle.stop halui.spindle.0.stop
net pdnt.spindle.forward whb.halui.spindle.forward halui.spindle.0.forward
net pdnt.spindle.reverse whb.halui.spindle.reverse halui.spindle.0.reverse
net pdnt.spindle.increase whb.halui.spindle.increase halui.spindle.0.increase # reserved whb.button.macro-3
net pdnt.spindle.decrease whb.halui.spindle.decrease halui.spindle.0.decrease # reserved whb.button.macro-4
net pdnt.spindle-speed-abs whb.halui.spindle-speed-cmd spindle.0.speed-out-abs # speed cmd from motion in rpm absolute

# spindle speed override signals
net pdnt.spindle-override.scale whb.halui.spindle-override.scale halui.spindle.0.override.scale # needed for both spindle+/- and spindleoverride+/- button
net pdnt.spindle.override.value halui.spindle.0.override.value whb.halui.spindle-override.value # GUI feed rate related signals
net pdnt.spindle.override.increase whb.halui.spindle-override.increase halui.spindle.0.override.increase
net pdnt.spindle.override.decrease whb.halui.spindle-override.decrease halui.spindle.0.override.decrease

# GUI feed rate related signals can be used when program is running moving GUI slider
net pdnt.feed-override.scale whb.halui.feed-override.scale halui.feed-override.scale # needed for both FeedOverride+/- and rotary knob button
net pdnt.max-velocity.value whb.halui.max-velocity.value halui.max-velocity.value # needed for Mpg mode : button feed position% * max-velocity = Mpg feedrate

# take feed override min/max values from/to the GUI
net pdnt.feed-override.value halui.feed-override.value whb.halui.feed-override.value # GUI feed rate related signals
net pdnt.feed-override.increase whb.halui.feed-override.increase halui.feed-override.increase
net pdnt.feed-override.decrease whb.halui.feed-override.decrease halui.feed-override.decrease

# axis position related signals feedback
net pdnt.axis.x.pos-feedback halui.axis.x.pos-feedback whb.halui.axis.x.pos-feedback
net pdnt.axis.y.pos-feedback halui.axis.y.pos-feedback whb.halui.axis.y.pos-feedback
net pdnt.axis.z.pos-feedback halui.axis.z.pos-feedback whb.halui.axis.z.pos-feedback

# axis position related signals relative
net pdnt.axis.x.pos-relative halui.axis.x.pos-relative whb.halui.axis.x.pos-relative
net pdnt.axis.y.pos-relative halui.axis.y.pos-relative whb.halui.axis.y.pos-relative
net pdnt.axis.z.pos-relative halui.axis.z.pos-relative whb.halui.axis.z.pos-relative


xhc-whb04b-6 developer documentation on GitHub


The CRC code function is not disclosed by the manufacturer. Thus the CRC value transmitted with each package is not checked yet. Feel free to help us enhance the component.


This component was started by Raoul Rubien based on predecessor device component xhc-hb04.cc. https://github.com/machinekit/machinekit/graphs/contributors gives you a more complete list of contributors.


The component was developed accidentally as leisure project. The development started with the xhc-whb04 (4-axis wireless pendant) implementation as reference. 73 & many thanks to the developers who delivered provided an excellent preparatory work!


Copyright © 2018 Raoul Rubien (github.com/rubienr) Updated for Linuxcnc 2020 by alkabal_free.fr. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.