This example is to explain how to hook up the common MPG pendants found on the market today. This example uses an MPG3 pendant and a C22 pendant interface card from CNC4PC connected to a second parallel port plugged into the PCI slot. This example gives you 3 axes with 3 step increments of 0.1, 0.01, 0.001

In your custom.hal file or jog.hal file add the following, making sure you don’t have mux4 or an encoder already in use. If you do just increase the counts and change the reference numbers. More information about mux4 and encoder can be found in the HAL manual or the man page.

See the INI HAL Section of the documentation for more information on adding a HAL file. Jog management pins are provided for each joint and all coordinate letters. This example uses the axis jog pins for jogging in world mode. Machines with non-identity kinematics may need use additional connections for jogging in joint mode.


If the machine is capable of high acceleration to smooth out the moves for each click of the MPG use the ilowpass component to limit the acceleration.

jog.hal with ilowpass