After you install LinuxCNC several sample files are placed in the /nc_files folder. Make sure the sample file is appropriate for your machine before running.
1. Mill Examples
1.1. Helical Hole Milling
File Name: useful-subroutines.ngc
Description: Subroutine for milling a hole using parameters.
1.2. Slotting
File Name: useful-subroutines.ngc
Description: Subroutine for milling a slot using parameters.

1.3. Grid Probe
File Name: gridprobe.ngc
Description: Rectangular Probing
This program repeatedly probes in a regular XY grid and writes the probed location to the file probe-results.txt in the same directory as the .ini file.

1.4. Smart Probe
File Name: smartprobe.ngc
Description: Rectangular Probing
This program repeatedly probes in a regular XY grid and writes the probed location to the file probe-results.txt in the same directory as the .ini file. This is improved from the grid probe file.

1.5. Tool Length Probe
File Name: tool-length-probe.ngc
Description: Tool Length Probing
This program shows an example of how to measure tool lengths automatically using a switch hooked to the probe input. This is useful for machines without tool holders, where the length of a tool is different every time it is inserted.
1.6. Hole Probe
File Name: probe-hole.ngc
Description: Finding the Center and Diameter of a hole.
The program demonstrates how to find the center of a hole, measure the hole diameter and record the results.
1.7. Cutter Compensation
File Name: comp-g1.ngc
Description: Entry and exit movements with compensation of tool radius.
This program demonstrates the peculiarity of the toolpath without and with tool radius compensation. The tool radius is taken from the tool table.
2. Lathe Examples
2.1. Threading
File Name lathe-g76.ngc
Description: Facing, threading and parting off.
This file shows an example of threading on a lathe using parameters.