halui − observe HAL pins and command LinuxCNC through NML
halui [-ini <path-to-ini>]
halui is used to build a User Interface using hardware knobs and switches. It exports a big number of pins, and acts accordingly when these change.
-ini name
use the name as the configuration file. Note: halui must find the nml file specified in the ini, usually that file is in the same folder as the ini, so it makes sense to run halui from that folder.
When run, halui will export a large number of pins. A user can connect those to his physical knobs & switches & leds, and when a change is noticed halui triggers an appropriate event.
halui expects the signals to be debounced, so if needed (bad knob contact) connect the physical button to a HAL debounce filter first.
halui.abort bit in
pin for clearing most errors
halui.tool.length-offset.a float out
current applied tool length offset for the A axis
halui.tool.length-offset.b float out
current applied tool length offset for the B axis
halui.tool.length-offset.c float out
current applied tool length offset for the C axis
halui.tool.length-offset.u float out
current applied tool length offset for the U axis
halui.tool.length-offset.v float out
current applied tool length offset for the V axis
halui.tool.length-offset.w float out
current applied tool length offset for the W axis
halui.tool.length-offset.x float out
current applied tool length offset for the X axis
halui.tool.length-offset.y float out
current applied tool length offset for the Y axis
halui.tool.length-offset.z float out
current applied tool length offset for the Z axis
halui.tool.number u32 out
current selected tool
halui.spindle.brake-is-on bit out
status pin that tells us if brake is on
halui.spindle.brake-off bit in
pin for deactivating the spindle brake
halui.spindle.brake-on bit in
pin for activating the spindle brake
halui.spindle.decrease bit in
a rising edge on this pin decreases the current spindle speed by 100
halui.spindle.forward bit in
a rising edge on this pin makes the spindle go forward
halui.spindle.increase bit in
a rising edge on this pin increases the current spindle speed by 100
halui.spindle.is-on bit out
status pin telling if the spindle is on
halui.spindle.reverse bit in
a rising edge on this pin makes the spindle go reverse
halui.spindle.runs-backward bit out
status pin telling if the spindle is running backward
halui.spindle.runs-forward bit out
status pin telling if the spindle is running forward
halui.spindle.start bit in
a rising edge on this pin starts the spindle
halui.spindle.stop bit in
a rising edge on this pin stops the spindle
halui.spindle-override.count-enable bit in (default:
When TRUE, modify spindle override when counts changes.
halui.spindle-override.counts s32 in
counts X scale = spindle override percentage
halui.spindle-override.decrease bit in
pin for decreasing the SO (-=scale)
halui.spindle-override.direct-value bit in
pin to enable direct spindle override value input
halui.spindle-override.increase bit in
pin for increasing the SO (+=scale)
halui.spindle-override.scale float in
pin for setting the scale of counts for SO
halui.spindle-override.value float out
current FO value
halui.program.block-delete.is-on bit out
status pin telling that block delete is on
halui.program.block-delete.off bit in
pin for requesting that block delete is off
halui.program.block-delete.on bit in
pin for requesting that block delete is on
halui.program.is-idle bit out
status pin telling that no program is running
halui.program.is-paused bit out
status pin telling that a program is paused
halui.program.is-running bit out
status pin telling that a program is running
halui.program.optional-stop.is-on bit out
status pin telling that the optional stop is on
halui.program.optional-stop.off bit in
pin requesting that the optional stop is off
halui.program.optional-stop.on bit in
pin requesting that the optional stop is on
halui.program.pause bit in
pin for pausing a program
halui.program.resume bit in
pin for resuming a program
halui.program.run bit in
pin for running a program
halui.program.step bit in
pin for stepping in a program
halui.program.stop bit in
pin for stopping a program (note: this pin does the same thing as halui.abort)
halui.mode.auto bit in
pin for requesting auto mode
halui.mode.is-auto bit out
pin for auto mode is on
halui.mode.is-joint bit out
pin showing joint by joint jog mode is on
halui.mode.is-manual bit out
pin for manual mode is on
halui.mode.is-mdi bit out
pin for mdi mode is on
halui.mode.is-teleop bit out
pin showing coordinated jog mode is on
halui.mode.joint bit in
pin for requesting joint by joint jog mode
halui.mode.manual bit in
pin for requesting manual mode
halui.mode.mdi bit in
pin for requesting mdi mode
halui.mode.teleop bit in
pin for requesting coordinated jog mode
halui.mdi-command-XX bit in
halui looks for ini variables named [HALUI]MDI_COMMAND, and exports a pin for each command it finds. When the pin is driven TRUE, halui runs the specified MDI command. XX is a two digit number starting at 00. If no [HALUI]MDI_COMMAND variables are set in the ini file, no halui.mdi-command-XX pins will be exported by halui.
halui.mist.is-on bit out
pin for mist is on
halui.mist.off bit in
pin for stopping mist
halui.mist.on bit in
pin for starting mist
halui.max-velocity.count-enable bit in (default:
When TRUE, modify max velocity when counts changes.
halui.max-velocity.counts s32 in
counts from an encoder for example to change maximum velocity
halui.max-velocity.decrease bit in
pin for decreasing the maximum velocity (-=scale)
halui.max-velocity.direct-value bit in
pin for using a direct value for max velocity
halui.max-velocity.increase bit in
pin for increasing the maximum velocity (+=scale)
halui.max-velocity.scale float in
pin for setting the scale on changing the maximum velocity
halui.max-velocity.value float out
Current value for maximum velocity
halui.machine.is-on bit out
pin for machine is On/Off
halui.machine.off bit in
pin for setting machine Off
halui.machine.on bit in
pin for setting machine On
halui.lube.is-on bit out
pin for lube is on
halui.lube.off bit in
pin for stopping lube
halui.lube.on bit in
pin for starting lube
halui.joint.N.has-fault bit out
status pin telling that joint N has a fault
halui.joint.N.home bit in
pin for homing joint N
halui.joint.N.is-homed bit out
status pin telling that joint N is homed
halui.joint.N.is-selected bit out
status pin that joint N is selected
halui.joint.N.on-hard-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the positive hardware limit
halui.joint.N.on-hard-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the negative hardware limit
halui.joint.N.on-soft-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the positive software limit
halui.joint.N.on-soft-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that joint N is on the negative software limit
halui.joint.N.select bit in
pin for selecting joint N
halui.joint.N.unhome bit in
pin for unhoming joint N
halui.joint.selected u32 out
selected joint
halui.joint.selected.has-fault bit out
status pin selected joint is faulted
halui.joint.selected.home bit in
pin for homing the selected joint
halui.joint.selected.is-homed bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is homed
halui.joint.selected.on-hard-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the positive hardware limit
halui.joint.selected.on-hard-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the negative hardware limit
halui.joint.selected.on-soft-max-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the positive software limit
halui.joint.selected.on-soft-min-limit bit out
status pin telling that the selected joint is on the negative software limit
halui.joint.selected.unhome bit in
pin for unhoming the selected joint
halui.jog.deadband float in
pin for setting jog analog deadband (jog analog inputs smaller/slower than this are ignored)
halui.jog-speed float in
pin for setting jog speed for plus/minus jogging.
halui.jog.N.analog float in
pin for jogging the axis N using an float value (e.g. joystick)
halui.jog.N.increment float in
pin for setting the jog increment for axis N when using increment-plus/minus
halui.jog.N.increment-minus bit in
a rising edge will will make axis N jog in the negative direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.N.increment-plus bit in
a rising edge will will make axis N jog in the positive direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.N.minus bit in
pin for jogging axis N in negative direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity
halui.jog.N.plus bit in
pin for jogging axis N in positive direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity
halui.jog.selected.increment float in
pin for setting the jog increment for the selected axis when using increment-plus/minus
halui.jog.selected.increment-minus bit in
a rising edge will will make the selected axis jog in the negative direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.selected.increment-plus bit in
a rising edge will will make the selected axis jog in the positive direction by the increment amount
halui.jog.selected.minus bit in
pin for jogging the selected axis in negative direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity
pin for jogging the selected axis bit in in positive direction at the halui.jog-speed velocity
halui.flood.is-on bit out
pin for flood is on
halui.flood.off bit in
pin for stopping flood
halui.flood.on bit in
pin for starting flood
halui.feed-override.count-enable bit in (default:
When TRUE, modify feed override when counts changes.
halui.feed-override.counts s32 in
counts X scale = feed override percentage
halui.feed-override.decrease bit in
pin for decreasing the FO (-=scale)
halui.feed-override.direct-value bit in
pin to enable direct value feed override input
halui.feed-override.increase bit in
pin for increasing the FO (+=scale)
halui.feed-override.scale float in
pin for setting the scale on changing the FO
halui.feed-override.value float out
current Feed Override value
halui.estop.activate bit in
pin for setting Estop (LinuxCNC internal) On
halui.estop.is-activated bit out
pin for displaying Estop state (LinuxCNC internal) On/Off
halui.estop.reset bit in
pin for resetting Estop (LinuxCNC internal) Off
halui.axis.N.pos-commanded float out float out
Commanded axis position in machine coordinates
halui.axis.N.pos-feedback float out float out
Feedback axis position in machine coordinates
halui.axis.N.pos-relative float out float out
Commanded axis position in relative coordinates
halui.home-all bit in
pin for requesting home-all (only available when a valid homing sequence is specified)
none known at this time.
Written by Alex Joni, as part of the LinuxCNC project. Updated by John Thornton
Report bugs to alex_joni AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net
© 2006 Alex Joni.
This is free software; see the source for copying
conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for