Parport is a driver for the traditional PC parallel port. The port
has a total of 17 physical pins. The original parallel port divided
those pins into three groups: data, control, and status. The data
group consists of 8 output pins, the control group consists of 4 pins,
and the status group consists of 5 input pins.
In the early 1990's, the bidirectional parallel port was introduced,
which allows the data group to be used for output or input. The HAL
driver supports the bidirectional port, and allows the user to set
the data group as either input or output. If configured as output,
a port provides a total of 12 outputs and 5 inputs. If configured
as input, it provides 4 outputs and 13 inputs.
In some parallel ports, the control group pins are open collectors,
which may also be driven low by an external gate. On a board with
open collector control pins, the ``x'' mode allows a more flexible
mode with 8 dedicated outputs, 5 dedicated inputs, and 4 open collector
pins. In other parallel ports, the control group has push-pull drivers
and cannot be used as an input.1.1
No other combinations are supported, and a port cannot be changed
from input to output once the driver is installed. Figure
shows two block diagrams, one showing the driver when the data group
is configured for output, and one showing it configured for input.
The parport driver can control up to 8 ports (defined by MAX_PORTS
in hal_parport.c). The ports are numbered starting at zero.
From command line:
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_parport cfg="<config-string>"1.2
From a file or at the halcmd: prompt:
- loadrt hal_parport cfg="<config-string>"
The config string consists of a hex port address, followed by an optional
direction, repeated for each port. The direction is ``in'', ``out'',
or ``x'' and determines the direction of the physical pins 2 through
9, and whether to create input HAL pins for the physical control pins.
If the direction is not specified, the data group defaults to output.
For example:
- loadrt hal_parport cfg="0x278 0x378 in 0x20A0 out"
This example installs drivers for one port at 0x0278, with pins 2-9
as outputs (by default, since neither ``in'' nor ``out'' was
specified), one at 0x0378, with pins 2-9 as inputs, and one at 0x20A0,
with pins 2-9 explicitly specified as outputs. Note that you must
know the base address of the parallel port to properly configure the
driver. For ISA bus ports, this is usually not a problem, since the
port is almost always at a ``well known'' address, like 0278 or
0378 which is typically configured in the system BIOS. The address
for a PCI card is usally shown in ``lspci -v'' in an ``I/O
ports'' line. There is no default address; if <config-string>
does not contain at least one address, it is an error.
- emc2$ halcmd unloadrt hal_parport
Parport Block Diagram
- (BIT) parport.<portnum>.pin-<pinnum>-out
- Drives a physical output pin.
- (BIT) parport.<portnum>.pin-<pinnum>-in -
Tracks a physical input pin.
- (BIT) parport.<portnum>.pin-<pinnum>-in-not
- Tracks a physical input pin, but inverted.
For each pin, <portnum> is the port number, and <pinnum>
is the physical pin number in the 25 pin D-shell connector.
For each physical output pin, the driver creates a single HAL pin,
for example Pins 1, 14, 16, and 17
are always outputs. Pins 2 through 9 are part of the data group and
are output pins if the port is defined as an output port. (Output
is the default.) These HAL pins control the state of the corresponding
physical pins.
For each physical input pin, the driver creates two HAL pins, for
example and
Pins 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15 are always input pins. Pins 2 through
9 are input pins only if the port is defined as an input port. The
-in HAL pin is TRUE if the physical pin is high, and FALSE
if the physical pin is low. The -in-not HAL pin is inverted
- it is FALSE if the physical pin is high. By connecting a signal
to one or the other, the user can determine the state of the input.
- (BIT) parport.<portnum>.pin-<pinnum>-out-invert
- Inverts an output pin.
The -invert parameter determines whether an output pin is
active high or active low. If -invert is FALSE, setting the
HAL -out pin TRUE drives the physical pin high, and FALSE
drives it low. If -invert is TRUE, then setting the HAL -out
pin TRUE will drive the physical pin low.
- (FUNCT) parport.<portnum>.read- Reads physical
input pins of port <portnum> and updates HAL -in
and -in-not pins.
- (FUNCT) - Reads physical
input pins of all ports and updates HAL -in and -in-not
- (FUNCT) parport.<portnum>.write - Reads
HAL -out pins of port <portnum> and updates that
port's physical output pins.
- (FUNCT) parport.write-all - Reads HAL -out
pins of all ports and updates all physical output pins.
The individual functions are provided for situations where one port
needs to be updated in a very fast thread, but other ports can be
updated in a slower thread to save CPU time. It is probably not a
good idea to use both an -all function and an individual
function at the same time.
If loading the module reports
- insmod: error inserting '/home/jepler/emc2/rtlib/hal_parport.ko':
-1 Device or resource busy
then ensure that the standard kernel module parport_pc is
not loaded and that no other device in the system has claimed the
I/O ports.
If the module loads but does not appear to function, then the port
address is incorrect or the probe_parport module is required.
In modern PCs, the parallel port may require plug and play (PNP) configuration
before it can be used. The probe_parport module performs
configuration of any PNP ports present, and should be loaded before
hal_parport. On machines without PNP ports, it cannot be
- loadrt probe_parport
loadrt hal_parport ...
If the Linux kernel prints a message similar to
- parport: PnPBIOS parport detected.
when the parport_pc module is loaded (sudo modprobe -a parport_pc)
then use of this module is probably required
The Axiom Measurement & Control AX5214H is a 48 channel digital I/O
board. It plugs into an ISA bus, and resembles a pair of 8255 chips.1.3
From command line:
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_ax5214h 'cfg="<config-string>"'1.4
From a file:
- loadrt hal_ax5214h cfg="<config-string>"
The config string consists of a hex port address, followed by an 8
character string of ``I'' and ``O'' which sets groups of pins
as inputs and outputs. The first two character set the direction of
the first two 8 bit blocks of pins (0-7 and 8-15). The next two set
blocks of 4 pins (16-19 and 20-23). The pattern then repeats, two
more blocks of 8 bits (24-31 and 32-39) and two blocks of 4 bits (40-43
and 44-47). If more than one board is installed, the data for the
second board follows the first. As an example, the string "0x220
IIIOIIOO 0x300 OIOOIOIO" installs drivers for two boards.
The first board is at address 0x220, and has 36 inputs (0-19 and 24-39)
and 12 outputs (20-23 and 40-47). The second board is at address 0x300,
and has 20 inputs (8-15, 24-31, and 40-43) and 28 outputs (0-7. 16-23,
32-39, and 44-47).
- emc2$ halcmd unloadrt hal_ax5214
- (BIT) ax5214.<boardnum>.out-<pinnum> - Drives
a physical output pin.
- (BIT) ax5214.<boardnum>.in-<pinnum>
- Tracks a physical input pin.
- (BIT) ax5214.<boardnum>.in-<pinnum>-not
- Tracks a physical input pin, inverted.
For each pin, <boardnum> is the board number (starts at zero),
and <pinnum> is the I/O channel number (0 to 47).
Note that the driver assumes active LOW signals. This is so that modules
such as OPTO-22 will work correctly (TRUE means output ON, or input
energized). If the signals are being used directly without buffering
or isolation the inversion needs to be accounted for. The in-
HAL pin is TRUE if the physical pin is low (OPTO-22 module energized),
and FALSE if the physical pin is high (OPTO-22 module off). The in-<pinnum>-not
HAL pin is inverted - it is FALSE if the physical pin is low (OPTO-22
module energized). By connecting a signal to one or the other, the
user can determine the state of the input.
- (BIT) ax5214.<boardnum>.out-<pinnum>-invert
- Inverts an output pin.
The -invert parameter determines whether an output pin is
active high or active low. If -invert is FALSE, setting the
HAL out- pin TRUE drives the physical pin low, turning ON
an attached OPTO-22 module, and FALSE drives it high, turning OFF
the OPTO-22 module. If -invert is TRUE, then setting the
HAL out- pin TRUE will drive the physical pin high and turn
the module OFF.
- (FUNCT) ax5214.<boardnum>.read - Reads all
digital inputs on one board.
- (FUNCT) ax5214.<boardnum>.write - Writes
all digital outputs on one board.
The Servo-To-Go is one of the first PC motion control cards1.5 supported by EMC. It is an ISA card and it exists in different flavours
(all supported by this driver). The board includes up to 8 channels
of quadrature encoder input, 8 channels of analog input and output,
32 bits digital I/O, an interval timer with interrupt and a watchdog.
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_stg [base=<address>] [num_chan=<nr>] \
[dio="<dio-string>"] [model=<model>]
The base address field is optional; if it's not provided the driver
attempts to autodetect the board. The num_chan field is used to specify
the number of channels available on the card, if not used the 8 axis
version is assumed. The digital inputs/outputs configuration is determined
by a config string passed to insmod when loading the module. The format
consists of a four character string that sets the direction of each
group of pins. Each character of the direction string is either "I"
or "O". The first character sets the direction of
port A (Port A - DIO.0-7), the next sets port B (Port B - DIO.8-15),
the next sets port C (Port C - DIO.16-23), and the fourth sets port
D (Port D - DIO.24-31). The model field can be used in case the driver
doesn't autodetect the right card version1.6. For example:
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_stg base=0x300 num_chan=4 dio="IOIO"
This example installs the stg driver for a card found at the base
address of 0x300, 4 channels of encoder feedback, DAC's and ADC's,
along with 32 bits of I/O configured like this: the first 8 (Port
A) configured as Input, the next 8 (Port B) configured as Output,
the next 8 (Port C) configured as Input, and the last 8 (Port D) configured
as Output
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_stg
This example installs the driver and attempts to autodetect the board
address and board model, it installs 8 axes by default along with
a standard I/O setup: Port A & B configured as Input, Port C & D
configured as Output.
- emc2$ halcmd unloadrt hal_stg
- (S32) stg.<channel>.counts - Tracks the
counted encoder ticks.
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.position -
Outputs a converted position.
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.dac-value
- Drives the voltage for the corresponding DAC.
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.adc-value
- Tracks the measured voltage from the corresponding ADC.
- (BIT)<pinnum> - Tracks a physical
input pin.
- (BIT)<pinnum>-not - Tracks a physical
input pin, but inverted.
- (BIT) stg.out-<pinnum> - Drives a physical
output pin
For each pin, <channel> is the axis number, and <pinnum>
is the logic pin number of the STG1.7.
The in- HAL pin is TRUE if the physical pin is high, and
FALSE if the physical pin is low. The in-<pinnum>-not HAL
pin is inverted - it is FALSE if the physical pin is high. By connecting
a signal to one or the other, the user can determine the state of
the input.
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.position-scale - The
number of counts / user unit (to convert from counts to units).
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.dac-offset
- Sets the offset for the corresponding DAC.
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.dac-gain -
Sets the gain of the corresponding DAC.
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.adc-offset
- Sets the offset of the corresponding ADC.
- (FLOAT) stg.<channel>.adc-gain -
Sets the gain of the corresponding ADC.
- (BIT) stg.out-<pinnum>-invert -
Inverts an output pin.
The -invert parameter determines whether an output pin is
active high or active low. If -invert is FALSE, setting the
HAL out- pin TRUE drives the physical pin high, and FALSE
drives it low. If -invert is TRUE, then setting the HAL out-
pin TRUE will drive the physical pin low.
- (FUNCT) stg.capture-position - Reads the
encoder counters from the axis <channel>.
- (FUNCT) stg.write-dacs - Writes the voltages
to the DACs.
- (FUNCT) - Reads the voltages
from the ADCs.
- (FUNCT) stg.di-read - Reads physical in-
pins of all ports and updates all HAL in- and in-<pinnum>-not
- (FUNCT) - Reads all HAL out-
pins and updates all physical output pins.
The Mesa Electronics m5i20 card consists of an FPGA that can be loaded
with a wide variety of configurations, and has 72 pins that leave
the PC. The assignment of the pins depends on the FPGA configuration.
Currently there is a HAL driver for the ``4 axis host based motion
control'' configuration, and this FPGA configurations is also provided
with EMC2. It provides 8 encoder counters, 4 PWM outputs (normally
used as DACs) and up to 48 digital I/O channels, 32 inputs and 16
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_m5i20 [loadFpga=1|0] [dacRate=<rate>]
If loadFpga is 1 (the default) the driver will load
the FPGA configuration on startup. If it is 0, the driver assumes
the configuration is already loaded. dacRate sets
the carrier frequency for the PWM outputs, in Hz. The default is 32000,
for 32KHz PWM.1.9 The driver prints some usefull debugging message to the kernel log,
which can be viewed with dmesg.
- emc2$ halcmd unloadrt hal_m5i20
In the following pins, parameters, and functions, <board> is the board
ID. According to the naming conventions the first board should always
have an ID of zero, however this driver uses the PCI board ID, so
it may be non-zero even if there is only one board. The driver attempts
to emulate the ``canonical encoder'', however there are some differences.1.10
- (S32) m5i20.<board>.enc-<channel>-count -
Encoder position, in counts.
- (FLOAT) m5i20.<board>.enc-<channel>-position
- Encoder position, in user units.
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.enc-<channel>-index -
Current status of index pulse input
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.enc-<channel>-index-enable
- Bidirectional - if TRUE, counter will reset on next index pulse,
and index-enable will be cleared
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.enc-<channel>-reset-count
- Bidirectional - if TRUE, counter will reset immediately, and reset-count
will be cleared.
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.dac-<channel>-enable
- Enables DAC if true. DAC outputs zero volts if false?
- (FLOAT) m5i20.<board>.dac-<channel>-value
- Analog output value for PWM ``DAC'' (in user units, see -scale
and -offset)
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.in-<channel> - State
of digital input pin, see canonical digital input.
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.in-<channel>-not - Inverted
state of digital input pin, see canonical digital input.
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.out-<channel> - Value
to be written to digital output, see canonical digital output.
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.estop-in - Dedicated
estop input, more details needed.
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.estop-in-not - Inverted
state of dedicated estop input.
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.watchdog-reset - Bidirectional,
- Set TRUE to reset watchdog once, is automatically cleared. If bit
value 16 is set in watchdog-control then this value is not
used, and the hardware watchdog is cleared every time the dac-write
function is executed.
- (FLOAT) m5i20.<board>.enc-<channel>-scale
- The number of counts / user unit (to convert from counts to units).
- (FLOAT) m5i20.<board>.dac-<channel>-offset
- Sets the DAC offset.
- (FLOAT) m5i20.<board>.dac-<channel>-gain
- Sets the DAC gain (scaling).
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.dac-<channel>-interlaced
- Sets the DAC to interlaced mode. Use this mode if you are filtering
the PWM to generate an anaolg voltage.1.11
- (BIT) m5i20.<board>.out-<channel>-invert
- Inverts a digital output, see canonical digital output.
- (U32) m5i20.<board>.watchdog-control
- Configures the watchdog. The value may be a bitwise OR of the following
Bit # |
Value |
Meaning |
0 |
1 |
Watchdog is enabled |
1 |
2 |
Watchdog is automatically reset by DAC writes (the HAL dac-write
function) |
Typically, the useful values are 0 (watchdog disabled) or 3 (watchdog
enabled, cleared by dac-write).
- (U32) m5i20.<board>.led-view -
Maps some of the I/O to onboard LEDs. See table below.
- (FUNCT) m5i20.<board>.encoder-read - Reads
all encoder counters.
- (FUNCT) m5i20.<board>.digital-in-read -
Reads digital inputs.
- (FUNCT) m5i20.<board>.dac-write - Writes
the voltages (PWM duty cycles) to the ``DACs''.
- (FUNCT) m5i20.<board>.digital-out-write -
Writes digital outputs.
- (FUNCT) m5i20.<board>.misc-update - Writes
watchdog timer configuration to hardware. Resets watchdog timer. Updates
E-stop pin (more info needed). Updates onboard LEDs.
The Hostmot-4 FPGA configuration has the following pinout. There are
three 50-pin ribbon cable connectors on the card: P2, P3, and P4.
There are also 8 status LEDs.
m5i20 card connector P2 |
Function/HAL-pin |
1 |
enc-01 A input |
3 |
enc-01 B input |
5 |
enc-00 A input |
7 |
enc-00 B input |
9 |
enc-01 index input |
11 |
enc-00 index input |
13 |
dac-01 output |
15 |
dac-00 output |
17 |
DIR output for dac-01 |
19 |
DIR output for dac-00 |
21 |
dac-01-enable output |
23 |
dac-00-enable output |
25 |
enc-03 B input |
27 |
enc-03 A input |
29 |
enc-02 B input |
31 |
enc-02 A input |
33 |
enc-03 index input |
35 |
enc-02 index input |
37 |
dac-03 output |
39 |
dac-02 output |
41 |
DIR output for dac-03 |
43 |
DIR output for dac-02 |
45 |
dac-03-enable output |
47 |
dac-02-enable output |
49 |
Power +5 V (or +3.3V ?) |
all even pins |
Ground |
Encoder counters 4 - 7 work simultaneously with in-00 to in-11.
If you are using in-00 to in-11 as general purpose IO then reading
enc-<4-7> will produce some random junk number.
m5i20 card connector P3 |
Function/HAL-pin |
Secondary Function/HAL-pin |
1 |
in-00 |
enc-04 A input |
3 |
in-01 |
enc-04 B input |
5 |
in-02 |
enc-04 index input |
7 |
in-03 |
enc-05 A input |
9 |
in-04 |
enc-05 B input |
11 |
in-05 |
enc-05 index input |
13 |
in-06 |
enc-06 A input |
15 |
in-07 |
enc-06 B input |
17 |
in-08 |
enc-06 index input |
19 |
in-09 |
enc-07 A input |
21 |
in-10 |
enc-07 B input |
23 |
in-11 |
enc-07 index input |
25 |
in-12 | |
27 |
in-13 | |
29 |
in-14 | |
31 |
in-15 | |
33 |
out-00 | |
35 |
out-01 | |
37 |
out-02 | |
39 |
out-03 | |
41 |
out-04 | |
43 |
out-05 | |
45 |
out-06 | |
47 |
out-07 | |
49 |
Power +5 V (or +3.3V ?) | |
all even pins |
Ground | |
Note!: This is the intended pinout of P3. Unfortunately, in
the current FPGA configuration distributed with EMC21.12, the secondary encoders, enc-04, enc-05, enc-06, and enc-07 are wrongly
configured. The input pins for enc-04 and enc-05 partly overlap, as
do the pins for enc-06 and enc-07. Thus it is possible to use enc-04
and enc-06 simultaneously, but using enc-04 and enc-05 is not possible
since counts on enc-04 will make the count on enc-05 jump by +/- 1.
If you are using pins in-00 to in-11 as general purpose inputs you
are not affected by this bug.
The index mask masks the index input of the encoder so that the encoder
index can be combined with a mechanical switch or opto detector to
clear or latch the encoder counter only when the mask input bit is
in proper state (selected by mask polarity bit) and encoder index
occurs. This is useful for homing. The behaviour of these pins is
controlled by the Counter Control Register (CCR), however there is
currently no function in the driver to change the CCR. See REGMAP41.13 for a description of the CCR.
m5i20 card connector P4 |
Function/HAL-pin |
Secondary Function/HAL-pin |
1 |
in-16 |
enc-00 index mask |
3 |
in-17 |
enc-01 index mask |
5 |
in-18 |
enc-02 index mask |
7 |
in-19 |
enc-03 index mask |
9 |
in-20 | |
11 |
in-21 | |
13 |
in-22 | |
15 |
in-23 | |
17 |
in-24 |
enc-04 index mask |
19 |
in-25 |
enc-05 index mask |
21 |
in-26 |
enc-06 index mask |
23 |
in-27 |
enc-07 index mask |
25 |
in-28 | |
27 |
in-29 | |
29 |
in-30 | |
31 |
in-31 | |
33 |
out-08 | |
35 |
out-09 | |
37 |
out-10 | |
39 |
out-11 | |
41 |
out-12 | |
43 |
out-13 | |
45 |
out-14 | |
47 |
out-15 | |
49 |
Power +5 V (or +3.3V ?) | |
all even pins |
Ground | |
The status LEDs will monitor one motion channel set by the m5i20.<board>.led-view
parameter. A call to m5i20.<board>.misc-update is required
to update the LEDs.
LED name |
Output |
LED0 |
IRQLatch ? |
LED1 |
enc-<channel> A |
LED2 |
enc-<channel> B |
LED3 |
enc-<channel> index |
LED4 |
dac-<channel> DIR |
LED5 |
dac-<channel> |
LED6 |
dac-<channel>-enable |
LED7 |
watchdog timeout ? |
The Vital Systems Motenc-100 and Motenc-LITE are 8- and 4-channel
servo control boards. The Motenc-100 provides 8 quadrature encoder
counters, 8 analog inputs, 8 analog outputs, 64 (68?) digital inputs,
and 32 digital outputs. The Motenc-LITE has only 4 encoder counters,
32 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs, but it still has 8 analog
inputs and 8 analog outputs. The driver automatically identifies the
installed board and exports the appropriate HAL objects.1.14
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_motenc
During loading (or attempted loading) the driver prints some usefull
debugging message to the kernel log, which can be viewed with dmesg.
- emc2$ halcmd unloadrt hal_motenc
In the following pins, parameters, and functions, <board> is the board
ID. According to the naming conventions the first board should always
have an ID of zero. However this driver sets the ID based on a pair
of jumpers on the baord, so it may be non-zero even if there is only
one board.
- (S32) motenc.<board>.enc-<channel>-count
- Encoder position, in counts.
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.enc-<channel>-position
- Encoder position, in user units.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.enc-<channel>-index
- Current status of index pulse input.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.enc-<channel>-idx-latch
- Driver sets this pin true when it latches an index pulse (enabled
by latch-index). Cleared by clearing latch-index.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.enc-<channel>-latch-index
- If this pin is true, the driver will reset the counter on the next
index pulse.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.enc-<channel>-reset-count
- If this pin is true, the counter will immediately be reset to zero,
and the pin will be cleared.
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.dac-<channel>-value
- Analog output value for DAC (in user units, see -gain
and -offset)
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.adc-<channel>-value
- Analog input value read by ADC (in user units, see -gain
and -offset)
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.in-<channel> - State
of digital input pin, see canonical digital input.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.in-<channel>-not -
Inverted state of digital input pin, see canonical digital input.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.out-<channel> - Value
to be written to digital output, seen canonical digital output.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.estop-in - Dedicated
estop input, more details needed.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.estop-in-not - Inverted
state of dedicated estop input.
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.watchdog-reset - Bidirectional,
- Set TRUE to reset watchdog once, is automatically cleared.
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.enc-<channel>-scale
- The number of counts / user unit (to convert from counts to units).
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.dac-<channel>-offset
- Sets the DAC offset.
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.dac-<channel>-gain
- Sets the DAC gain (scaling).
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.adc-<channel>-offset
- Sets the ADC offset.
- (FLOAT) motenc.<board>.adc-<channel>-gain
- Sets the ADC gain (scaling).
- (BIT) motenc.<board>.out-<channel>-invert
- Inverts a digital output, see canonical digital output.
- (U32) motenc.<board>.watchdog-control
- Configures the watchdog. The value may be a bitwise OR of the following
Bit # |
Value |
Meaning |
0 |
1 |
Timeout is 16ms if set, 8ms if unset |
2 |
4 |
Watchdog is enabled |
4 |
16 |
Watchdog is automatically reset by DAC writes (the HAL dac-write
function) |
Typically, the useful values are 0 (watchdog disabled) or 20 (8ms
watchdog enabled, cleared by dac-write).
- (U32) motenc.<board>.led-view -
Maps some of the I/O to onboard LEDs?
- (FUNCT) motenc.<board>.encoder-read - Reads
all encoder counters.
- (FUNCT) motenc.<board>.adc-read - Reads
the analog-to-digital converters.
- (FUNCT) motenc.<board>.digital-in-read -
Reads digital inputs.
- (FUNCT) motenc.<board>.dac-write - Writes
the voltages to the DACs.
- (FUNCT) motenc.<board>.digital-out-write
- Writes digital outputs.
- (FUNCT) motenc.<board>.misc-update - Updates
misc stuff.
Pico Systems has a family of boards for doing servo, stepper, and
pwm control. The boards connect to the PC through a parallel port
working in EPP mode. Although most users connect one board to a parallel
port, in theory any mix of up to 8 or 16 boards can be used on a single
parport. One driver serves all types of boards. The final mix of I/O
depends on the connected board(s). The driver doesn't distinguish
between boards, it simply numbers I/O channels (encoders, etc) starting
from 0 on the first card.
- emc2$ halcmd loadrt hal_ppmc port_addr=<addr1>[,<addr2>[,<addr3>]]
The port_addr parameter tells the driver what parallel
port(s) to check. By default, <addr1> is 0x0378,
and <addr2> and <addr3> are not
used.The driver searches the entire address space of the enhanced
parallel port(s) at port_addr, looking for any
board(s) in the PPMC family. It then exports HAL pins for whatever
it finds. During loading (or attempted loading) the driver prints
some usefull debugging message to the kernel log, which can be viewed
with dmesg.
- emc2$ halcmd unloadrt hal_ppmc
In the following pins, parameters, and functions, <board> is the board
ID. According to the naming conventions the first board should always
have an ID of zero. However this driver sets the ID based on a pair
of jumpers on the baord, so it may be non-zero even if there is only
one board.
- (S32) ppmc.<port>.encoder.<channel>.count
- Encoder position, in counts.
- (S32) ppmc.<port>.encoder.<channel>.delta
- Change in counts since last read.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.encoder.<channel>.position
- Encoder position, in user units.
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.encoder.<channel>.index
- Something to do with index pulse.1.15
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel>.enable -
Enables a PWM generator.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel>.value -
Value which determines the duty cycle of the PWM waveforms. The value
is divided by pwm.<channel>.scale, and if the result is 0.6
the duty cycle will be 60%, and so on. Negative values result in
the duty cycle being based on the absolute value, and the direction
pin is set to indicate negative.
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel>.enable
- Enables a step pulse generator.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel>.velocity
- Value which determines the step frequency. The value is multiplied
by stepgen.<channel>.scale, and the result is the frequency
in steps per second. Negative values result in the frequency being
based on the absolute value, and the direction pin is set to indicate
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.in-<channel> - State of
digital input pin, see canonical digital input.
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.in.<channel>.not - Inverted
state of digital input pin, see canonical digital input.
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.out-<channel> - Value
to be written to digital output, seen canonical digital output.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.enc.<channel>.scale -
The number of counts / user unit (to convert from counts to units).
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel-range>.freq
- The PWM carrier frequency, in Hz. Applies to a group of four consecutive
PWM generators, as indicated by <channel-range>. Minimum
is 153Hz, maximum is 500KHz.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel>.scale
- Scaling for PWM generator. If scale is X, then the duty
cycle will be 100% when the value pin is X (or -X).
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel>.max-dc
- Maximum duty cycle, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel>.min-dc
- Minimum duty cycle, from 0.0 to 1.0.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel>.duty-cycle
- Actual duty cycle (used mostly for troubleshooting.)
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.pwm.<channel>.bootstrap
- If true, the PWM generator will generate a short sequence of pulses
of both polarities when it is enabled, to charge the bootstrap capacators
used on some MOSFET gate drivers.
- (U32) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel-range>.setup-time
- Sets minimum time between direction change and step pulse, in units
of 100nS. Applies to a group fof four consecutive PWM generators,
as indicated by <channel-range>.
- (U32) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel-range>.pulse-width
- Sets width of step pulses, in units of 100nS. Applies to a group
fof four consecutive PWM generators, as indicated by <channel-range>.
- (U32) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel-range>.pulse-space-min
- Sets minimum time between pulses, in units of 100nS. The maximum
step rate is 1/( 100nS * ( pulse-width + pulse-space-min
)). Applies to a group fof four consecutive PWM generators, as indicated
by <channel-range>.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel>.scale
- Scaling for step pulse generator. The step frequency in Hz is the
absolute value of velocity * scale.
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel>.max-vel
- The maximum value for velocity. Commands greater than
max-vel will be clamped. Also applies to negative values.
(The absolute value is clamped.)
- (FLOAT) ppmc.<port>.stepgen.<channel>.frequency
- Actual step pulse frequency in Hz (used mostly for troubleshooting.)
- (BIT) ppmc.<port>.out.<channel>.invert
- Inverts a digital output, see canonical digital output.
- (FUNCT) ppmc.<port>.read - Reads all inputs
(digital inputs and encoder counters) on one port.
- (FUNCT) ppmc.<port>.write - Writes all outputs
(digital outputs, stepgens, PWMs) on one port.
- ...1.1
- HAL cannot automatically determine if the ``x'' mode bidirectional
pins are actually open collectors (OC). If they are not, they cannot
be used as inputs, and attempting to drive them LOW from an external
source can damage the hardware.
To determine whether your port has ``open collector'' pins, load
hal_parport in ``x'' mode, output a HIGH value on the pin. HAL
should read the pin as TRUE. Next, insert a 470
from one of the control pins to GND. If the resulting voltage on the
control pin is close to 0V, and HAL now reads the pin as FALSE, then
you have an OC port. If the resulting voltage is far from 0V, or HAL
does not read the pin as FALSE, then your port cannot be used in ``x''
The external hardware that drives the control pins should also use
open collector gates (e.g., 74LS05). Generally, the -out HAL pins
should be set to TRUE when the physical pin is being used as an input.
On some machines, BIOS settings may affect whether ``x'' mode
can be used. ``SPP'' mode is most most likely to work.
- ...halcmd loadrt hal_parport cfg="<config-string>"1.2
- The single quotes around the entire cfg= argument
are needed to prevent the shell from misinterpreting the double quotes
around the string, and any spaces or special characters in the string.
Single quotes should not be used in a file or from the halcmd prompt.
- ...1.3
- In fact it may be a pair of 8255 chips, but I'm not sure. If/when
someone starts a driver for an 8255 they should look at the ax5214
code, much of the work is already done.
- ...halcmd loadrt hal_ax5214h 'cfg="<config-string>"'1.4
- The single quotes around the entire cfg= argument
are needed to prevent the shell from misinterpreting the double quotes
around the string, and any spaces or special characters in the string.
Single quotes should not be used in a file or from the halcmd prompt.
- ... cards1.5
- a motion control card usually is a board containing devices to control
one or more axes (the control devices are usually DAC's to set an
analog voltage, encoder counting chips for feedback, etc.)
- ... version1.6
- hint: after starting up the driver, 'dmesg' can be consulted for messages
relevant to the driver (e.g. autodetected version number and base
- ... STG1.7
- if IIOO is defined, there are 16 input pins (in-00 .. in-15) and 16
output pins (out-00 .. out-15), and they correspond to PORTs ABCD
(in-00 is PORTA.0, out-15 is PORTD.7)
- ...1.8
- Ideally the encoders, ``DACs'', and digital I/O would comply with
the canonical interfaces defined earlier, but they don't. Fixing that
is on the things-to-do list.
- ...1.9
- I don't know what the maximum (and minimum, if any) PWM frequency
is, it should be documented here. Also, this is the kind of thing
that ideally is controlled by a HAL parameter, rather than being set
when the driver is initially loaded. I don't know if that is possible,
it depends on the hardware and I don't have the neccessary information.
- ...1.10
- Versions 2.1.6 and earlier had a significantly different encoder interface,
and had bugs in the indexing code. Normal motion control worked, but
homing to index, threading, and rigid tapping did not, since all of
those features require the index pulse to work properly. This documentation
is for versions 2.1.7 and later.
- ...1.11
- With normal 10 bit PWM, 50% duty cycle would be 512 cycles on and
512 cycles off = ca 30 kHz with 33 MHz reference counter. With fully
interleaved PWM this would be 1 cycle on, 1 cycle off for 1024 cycles
(16.66 MHz if the PWM reference counter runs at 33 MHz) = much easier
to filter. The 5I20 configuration interlace is somewhat between non
and fully interlaced (to make it easy to filter but not have as many
transistions as fully interleaved).
- ... EMC21.12
- emc2/src/hal/drivers/m5i20_HM5-4E.h dated 2005/06/07
- ... REGMAP41.13
- emc2/src/hal/drivers/m5i20/REGMAP4E
- ...1.14
- Ideally the encoders, DACs, ADCs, and digital I/O would comply with
the canonical interfaces defined earlier, but they don't. Fixing that
is on the things-to-do list.
- ...1.15
- Index handling does _not_ comply with the canonical encoder interface,
and should be changed.