Halui is a HAL based user interface for EMC, it connects HAL pins
to NML commands. Most of the functionality (buttons, indicators etc.)
that is provided by a traditional GUI (mini, Axis, etc.), is provided
by HAL pins in Halui.
The easiest way to use halui is to modify your ini file to include
HALUI = halui
in the [HAL] section.
Halui pin reference
- (BIT) halui.machine.on - pin for requestiong machine
- (BIT) halui.machine.off - pin for requesting machine
- (BIT) halui.machine.is-on - indicates machine on
- (BIT) halui.estop.activate - pin for requesting E-Stop
- (BIT) halui.estop.reset - pin for requesting E-Stop
- (BIT) halui.estop.is-activated - indicates E-stop
- (BIT) halui.mode.manual - pin for requesting manual
- (BIT) halui.mode.is_manual - indicates manual mode
is on
- (BIT) halui.mode.auto - pin for requesting auto mode
- (BIT) halui.mode.is_auto - indicates auto mode is
- (BIT) halui.mode.mdi - pin for requesting mdi mode
- (BIT) halui.mode.is_mdi - indicates mdi mode is on
- (BIT) halui.mist.on - pin for requesting mist on
- (BIT) halui.mist.is-on - indicates mist is on
- (BIT) halui.flood.on - pin for requesting flood on
- (BIT) halui.flood.is-on - indicates flood is on
- (BIT) halui.lube.on - pin for requesting lube on
- (BIT) halui.lube.is-on - indicates lube is on
- (BIT) halui.spindle.start
- (BIT) halui.spindle.stop
- (BIT) halui.spindle.forward
- (BIT) halui.spindle.reverse
- (BIT) halui.spindle.increase
- (BIT) halui.spindle.decrease
- (BIT) halui.spindle.brake-on - pin for activating
- (BIT) halui.spindle.brake-off - pin for deactivating
- (BIT) halui.spindle.brake-is-on - indicates brake
is on
<channel> is a number between 0 and 7 and 'selected'.
- (BIT) halui.joint.<channel>.home - pin for homing
the specific joint
- (BIT) halui.joint.<channel>.on-min-limit-soft - status
pin telling joint is at the negative software limit
- (BIT) halui.joint.<channel>.on-max-limit-soft - status
pin telling joint is at the positive software limit
- (BIT) halui.joint.<channel>.on-min-limit-hard - status
pin telling joint is on the negative hardware limit switch
- (BIT) halui.joint.<channel>.on-max-limit-hard - status
pin telling joint is on the positive hardware limit switch
- (BIT) halui.joint.<channel>.fault - status pin telling
the joint has a fault
- (BIT) halui.joint.<channel>.homed - status pin telling
that the joint is homed
<channel> is a number between 0 and 7 and 'selected'.
- (FLOAT) halui.jog.speed - set jog speed
- (BIT) halui.jog.<channel>.minus - jog in negative
- (BIT) halui.jog.<channel>.plus - jog in positive direction
- (U32) halui.joint.select - select joint (0..7) - internal halui
- (U32) halui.joint.selected - selected joint (0..7) - internal
- (BIT) halui.joint.x.select bit - pins for selecting a joint
- internal halui
- (BIT) halui.joint.x.is-selected bit - status pin a joint is
selected - internal halui
- (FLOAT) halui.feed-override.value - current FO value
- (FLOAT) halui.feed-override.scale - pin for setting the scale
on changing the FO
- (S32) halui.feed-override.counts - counts from an encoder for
example to change FO
- (BIT) halui.feed-override.increase - pin for increasing the
FO (+=scale)
- (BIT) halui.feed-override.decrease - pin for decreasing the
FO (-=scale)
- (FLOAT) halui.spindle-override.value - current SO value
- (FLOAT) halui.spindle-override.scale - pin for setting the
scale on changing the SO
- (S32) halui.spindle-override.counts - counts from an encoder
for example to change SO
- (BIT) halui.spindle-override.increase - pin for increasing
the SO (+=scale)
- (BIT) halui.spindle-override.decrease - pin for decreasing
the SO (-=scale)
- (U32) halui.tool.number - indicates current selected tool
- (FLOAT) halui.tool.length-offset - indicates current applied
- (BIT) halui.program.is-idle
- (BIT) halui.program.is-running
- (BIT) halui.program.is-paused
- (BIT) halui.program.run
- (BIT) halui.program.pause
- (BIT) halui.program.resume
- (BIT) halui.program.step
- (BIT) halui.abort - pin to send an abort message (clears out
most errors)
User descriptions of working halui and hardware EMC control panels